Friday, June 29, 2012

Got Nutrition?

Brennen and I have recently become part of a company that promotes nutritional drinks.  So we thought we'd pass along the information to see if anyone would like to try it!  They have 4 different drinks, but the main drink I was interested in is called Vemma.  You just drink 2oz a day and you have consumed tons of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to form a solid nutritional foundation.  It takes:

  • 2 oranges to equal the amount of Vitamin C
  • 9 avocados to equal the amount of Vitamin E
  • 3 stalks of broccoli to equal the amount of Iron
  • 55 eggs to equal the amount of Vitamin D
  • 1 cup of spinach to equal the amount of Vitamin A
  • 3 cups of peas to equal the amount of Thiamin
  • 19 medium bananas to equal the amount of Riboflavin
  • 62 oz of cheddar cheese to equal the amount of Vitamin B-12
  • 5 large potatoes to equal the amount of Niacin
  • 61 cups of tomatoes to equal the amount of Folate
  • 2 large watermelons to equal the amount of Vitamin B-6
  • 17 oz of cherries to equal the ORAC Value
  • 37 medium mushrooms to equal the amount of Pantothenic Acid

  • to equal the amount found in this drink! Amazing right?! One of the best things about this drink is that they have one available for kids as well ages 2 and up.  I know how hard it is to get our kids to eat all of the nutrients they need for the day, but give them this drink and they're good to go.

    Brennen and I were at an informational meeting about the company a couple nights ago and a gentleman told us about how his wife had cancer and was suggested to try Vemma.  With the treatments she was receiving, she just had no energy to do anything throughout the day, which is totally understandable knowing all the nutrients that it sucks from your body to get rid of those cancer cells.  So, she drank (2) 2oz bottles a day and finally had the energy to do things around the house! After drinking Vemma for just 3 weeks, she went to her doctor appointment and the doctor said "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!" She is now free of cancer.  Im not saying this is the cure, cause it's not.  But, it helps replenish those nutrients that the cancer treatments are taking away from the body!

    The drink my husband likes is the all natural energy drink, Verve.  It has the same vitamins and minerals as the Vemma does, but it was made into an energy drink with natural caffine.  Let me tell you, it works! Haha!  Brennen has work at 4am everyday and he has THE HARDEST time getting up to get ready and get out the door.  So, we had him try it and he said he felt so good!  He was awake and had the energy he needed throughout his whole 10 hour day of work! The best thing about this drink is because it's all natural, there's no crash at the end like there is with regular energy drinks.  The amount of sugar thats in it is the same as you would get if you ate an apple.  Pretty awesome, ay?  Another cool fact is that Verve is the Sun's (the basketball team ya know, ya know?) energy drink, so that should tell ya something about the product!

    So...check it out! let us know if you'd like to try it or better yet, would like to become part of our team.  To read more about the products go to