Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shot day

Today, Braxton had his first shots :( My poor baby, I think I was more nervous for him than he was! When we walked into the clinic, all I could hear was screaming kids and my heart sank for all of them.  But, Once it was Braxton's turn I thought I was gonna cry.  He was being so cute and smiling and then the needle goes in and at first he gave me the most concerned look like "mama that hurts, what's happening!" and then he broke loose and started to cry!  It was the first time I felt completely helpless while my child was in pain.  The worst part was that he had to get three of them, so just when he settled down they'd gave him another one and there he goes again.  Worst day ever!!  But he was such a big boy about it and only cried for a second.  I couldn't help but feeling like the worst mom ever for making my baby feel that pain, but he needs those shots! Next time, daddy's taking him.  This mama can't handle that anymore.  I mean look at this precious face

I love this baby so much.  Every morning when he gets up he greets me with this adorable smile, am I the luckiest mama or what?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Get-A-Way!

This past weekend my family and I went up to my grandparents house in Pinedale (just about an hour and a half outside payson) to celebrate my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary.  This picture was taken right after I had the baby (can ya tell by how tiny he was!) as a anniversary gift to them with all 4 generations!  

 Being able to escape from the heat was one of the best parts! So, to prepare for Braxtons first road trip, we packed up Braxton's things the night before we left so I could make sure we had everything.  But, since this is the first road trip with him and this whole "having a baby" is still new to me, I had no idea what he would go through and what I would need to bring! So, naturally, I went a little overboard, haha.  My trunk was pack full to the point that we had to slam it real hard to close it.  It's crazy how having a baby really does change everything, including the amount of luggage you bring on vacation!  While we were up their Braxton got to meet his one and only great great grandma phyllis, she's 92 years old and still kickin' it, can you believe it?

Brennen was so excited to have some man time while we were up their, so he jumped on board when they decided to go shooting.

But the best part wasn't just the cool weather, or the family, or the shooting, but that braxton SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Yep, that's right, my two month old slept throught the night on vacation.  He had been doing it the 2 previous nights before we left and then continued the two nights we were there.  I was shocked, but so excited to know we finally figured out the trick.  Wanna know our secret?? Well get ready to hear it, you may wanna sit down for this one....night time=bigger diapers.  Every night since my son was just a couple weeks old, I am woken up by a baby in wet clothes and sheets.  I couldn't figure out why he kept peeing through his diaper when he'd only be down for about 4-5 hours.  I kept thinking, "this baby is so tiny, how can he pee that much!"  So, I just got used to changing him and his outfit every night.  But then, just last week I came up with the brillant idea to put him in a bigger diaper right before he went down.  He usually wear a size two, but he's slowly growing out of them and probably within the next couple weeks they'll be too small.  So, I figured why not give it a try.  And guess what! It worked! Now I know the only reason he was getting up in the night was because his wet clothes would wake him up! Boy was I a happy mama when that was discovered.  Overall the trip was a great time, and we've learned Braxton's a great travel baby, so we will definitely be taking more trips this summer! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Livin' The Good Life!

Brennen and I just celebrated our first year anniversary yesterday! It's so crazy how fast it goes by.  It seems like just yesterday he was knocking on my door to come home teach me.  Little did we know, 6 months later we'd be getting married and a year from then we'd be celebrating our anniversary with our 2 month old baby!  I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

When Brennen and I decided to add this little munchkin to our family, i'll admit, i was TERRIFIED! I didn't feel ready and to be honest, I wasn't sure if i was ready to be called "mommy". But, I knew it was the right thing to do, which made me a little excited for this new adventure.  When I went into the doctor, she told me it would take 3 months for the birth control to get out of my system once I stopped taking it.  I was relived to hear I would have a little more time with my hott husband before I got pregnant, but to our surprise, I got pregnant 10 days after stopping the birth control.  Shocked? Yes, we were too!  In fact, I remember bawling my eyes out all night because I didn't know how to raise a baby.  I could hardly keep my husband under control and now we're adding another little one to the picture!  But, it wasn't soon after I became very excited.  In those 9 months our family was extremely blessed.  Brennen got a new job that paid well enough to allow me to stay at home once the baby came,  medical bills were excused, Brennen got a new car, we got a little puppy named Sadie

and best of all, we got a house!  Things were going wonderfully and all falling into place until Braxton decided to arrive a month early.  We weren't into our new place yet so my amazing friends and family moved all of our stuff over as well as painted and decorated Braxton's room (pictures will come once it's all finally decorated) while I was in the hospital.  I had to be induced because I had preeclampsia, which has something to do with the placenta detaching from the uterus and it's very serious.  My platelet level is supposed to be 150,000-300,000 and at this point, when i was admitted, I was at 80,000.  The doctor told me I wouldn't be able to have any anesthesia because I was below 100,000.  My first thought was "no pain killers? Oh my gosh i'm gonna die!".  One problem with having preeclampsia is the doctors have to worry about you having seizures, so it wasn't too long before I was put on magnesium to prevent them.  Let me tell you, worst medicine EVER!  I haven't ever felt so distant from my body before.  After 32 miserable hours the doctors decided to do an emergency c-section because my platelet level had dropped to 30,000 and I wasn't progressing labor wise.  I had to get 2 blood transfusions to get my platelet level higher, but they had to knock me out because they were still too low for anesthesia which also meant Brennen couldn't be in the room with me during surgery.  It wasn't too long before our little baby was finally here.  On March 10, 2012 at 9:54 my little man arrived and weighed in at 6lbs 1oz and 19 inches long.  Once I woke up, I was able to hold him for about 5 minutes before they had to take him to intensive care in the nursery.  He was born a day short of 36 weeks so he was considered premature even though everything was developed and he was a perfect healthy baby boy!  The doctor came in my room after they took Braxton back and said the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and had a knot in it.  A longer pregnancy or vaginal birth could've been fatal.  Braxton was a miracle baby :)  We love that baby so much.  Each and every day he keeps growing and growing!  Being a mom is the most rewarding experience.  After all those little kicks, he's finally he in person (and definitely still kicking!).  It took me a few days before it finally sank in that I was not just a wife, but a mommy too!