Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shot day

Today, Braxton had his first shots :( My poor baby, I think I was more nervous for him than he was! When we walked into the clinic, all I could hear was screaming kids and my heart sank for all of them.  But, Once it was Braxton's turn I thought I was gonna cry.  He was being so cute and smiling and then the needle goes in and at first he gave me the most concerned look like "mama that hurts, what's happening!" and then he broke loose and started to cry!  It was the first time I felt completely helpless while my child was in pain.  The worst part was that he had to get three of them, so just when he settled down they'd gave him another one and there he goes again.  Worst day ever!!  But he was such a big boy about it and only cried for a second.  I couldn't help but feeling like the worst mom ever for making my baby feel that pain, but he needs those shots! Next time, daddy's taking him.  This mama can't handle that anymore.  I mean look at this precious face

I love this baby so much.  Every morning when he gets up he greets me with this adorable smile, am I the luckiest mama or what?

1 comment:

  1. How awful! But I'm sure he's already forgotten about it. :)
